DISC Self & Motivators Combo Assessment

SKU M-002
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DISC Self & Motivators Combo Assessment

Product Details

Boost Employee Motivation, Communication, Teamwork, and Results

Two powerful assessments in one: the DISC Self & Motivators Assessment Combo Assessment.

The DISC & Motivators Combo Assessment is perfect for everyone on your team.

What is DISC?

DISC is a simple, practical, easy to remember and universally applicable model.

It focuses on individual patterns of external, observable behaviors and measures the intensity of communication characteristics for each of the four styles: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientious.

Using the DISC Self Assessment, it’s easy to identify your workplace communication style, recognize and adapt to the communication styles of colleagues and supervisors -- and ultimately -- work more effectively with others to achieve results.

What Does the DISC Assessment Measure?

This two-minute video gives you a snapshot of what the DISC assessment measures.


DISC is Research-Validated

Based on the research of Dr. William Moulton Marston, DISC is the most widely used behavior profiling tool of its kind, supported by decades of research and validation.

What is Motivators?

Discover the motivational drivers of individuals!

Motivators measures seven universal dimensions of motivation that exist within each of us.

Whereas DISC predicts the “How” someone will behave, Motivators tells you “Why.”

Being able to measure and understand How and Why someone will behave is vital to:

  • Optimizing individual employee performance,
  • Building high-performing teams,
  • Uncovering sources of communication dysfunction, and
  • Developing self-aware leaders.

What Does Motivators Measure?

The Motivators assessment measures seven universal dimensions of motivation:

  • Aesthetic – a drive for balance, harmony, and form
  • Economic – a drive for a return on investment
  • Individualism – a drive to stand out as independent and unique
  • Power – a drive to be in control or have influence
  • Altruistic – a drive to help others at the expense of self
  • Regulatory – a drive to establish order, routine, and structure
  • Theoretical – a drive for knowledge, learning, and understanding

Why Use the DISC Self & Motivators Combo?

You get two powerful reports in one.

Certified by the Assessments Standards Institute

The DISC Self & Motivators combination assessment used by Melena Consulting Group is Certified by the Assessment Standards Institute (ASI).

ASI provides verifiably objective testing and reporting that meet the standards established by the American Psychological Association and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. ASI’s battery of tests is both voluntary and transparent. For more information, please read page 19 of the sample Motivators Report.

The Report

The DISC Self & Motivators Assessment generates a robust, straight-forward, and easy-to-use 54-page report. This intuitive report promotes sustainability and ongoing support of your future talent development strategies.

Download the Sample Report

Click on the image below to download your sample report.

Price Does Not Include Training

Pricing includes online administration of assessment and report. Training and debriefing are not included.

How Delivery of a Single Assessment Works

  • At the time of purchase, please provide the first name, last name, and e-mail address of the Contact Person and the Assessment Taker. The Assessment Taker will receive the link to complete the assessment within one business day. Immediately upon completing the assessment, the Contact Person and the Assessment Taker will receive a copy of the robust DISC & Motivators Assessment Report via email.

No Refunds, Returns, or Exchanges

If the assessment takers need technical assistance in accessing their assessment or reports, they are welcome to e-mail CustomerCare@melenaconsulting.com. We’re happy to assist.

No Refunds, Returns, or Exchanges
Melena consulting Group has a policy of no refunds, returns, or exchanges on assessments purchased from us. If you're having difficulty accessing your assessment, please email us at CustomerCare@melenaconsulting.com and we will respond within 1 calendar day.