The last update to our Product Returns & Training Cancellation policy was posted on September 23, 2023. This policy applies only to products and training sold directly by Melena Consulting Group. This policy does not apply to products or training purchased from other sellers or distributors. Melena Consulting Group is not responsible for purchases made from other sellers or distributors.

No Refunds, Returns, or Exchanges for Products

Melena consulting Group has a policy of no refunds, returns, or exchanges on products purchased from us. We will replace materials with the same product version only when the materials are defective or there are problems with workmanship, and a written request for replacement is received via e-mail at within 30 calendar days after purchase. Products include facilitation kit(s) whether electronic or physical, assessments/profiles, workbooks, books, and other tangible products.

Cancellation of Membership and Subscription Services

Cancellation of membership and subscription services is subject to the terms and conditions stated at the time of enrollment.

Cancellation of Publicly Offered Training 

Cancellation of publicly offered training — whether instructor led online, instructor led in-person, video-based, or a combination of these — is subject to the terms and conditions stated at the time of enrollment. Publicly offered training is defined as training administered to the public at large (not through contract or agreement with a business, organization, or individual for private training).

Cancellation for Private Training (Training Sponsored by Company, Organization, or Individua,  also known as “Client”)

Cancellation terms for training sponsored by a company, organization, or individual (Client) for private purposes shall be governed by the written executed contract or agreement between Melena Consulting Group and the Client. A written Proposal from Melena Consulting Group is considered accepted and an executed contract/agreement immediately upon receipt of payment by Melena Consulting Group from the Client.

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