Free Nonfiction Book Starter Kit
"I started writing and I feel there is a voice that is helping me write... It's pulling from different parts of my brain, life, experience... Thank you, Sylvia, for introducing me to my writer's voice!"
Theresa Robertson

The Wait is Over. You Can Finally Start Your Book.

If you’ve been yearning to write your first nonfiction book but don’t know where to start, the wait is over. Get instant access to the Nonfiction Book Starter Kit and start your book today — the right way. 

You’ll get a bundle of five (5) short tutorial videos and companion PDFs.


Get Answers to Your Questions

Inside the Starter Kit, you’ll find the answers to the following questions and more:


  1. What types of authority building books can I write?
  2. How many words should my nonfiction have?
  3. How do I generate book topic ideas?
  4. How do I select the perfect book topic?
  5. Do I have to be an expert to write a book?
  6. How can I make sure my book will actually sell?
  7. How can I boost my Amazon rankings?
  8. How do I find a profitable book topic?
  9. What tools can I use to conduct book market research for free?
  10. What is the easiest way to conduct the market research for my nonfiction book?
  11. What are the steps to successfully write, self-publish, and launch my nonfiction book successfully?

You'll Get a Bundle of Five Short Tutorial Videos

Free videos on how to start writing a nonfiction book.

Don't Wait Until Your Book is Written to Start Marketing It.

By Then It May Be Too Late.

Get the Marketing Right from the Start.

"Sylvia provides tangible boots-on-the-ground advice for authors yearning to sell more books. Her well-researched marketing strategies are highly actionable, and I really wish I had them before I wrote my first book!"
Catherine Woodhouse, MD
Author of "Party Gown: A Doctor's Laughable Advice" and Co-Author of "Called to Lead: Success Strategies for Women"

Hi, I'm Sylvia Melena.

I’m the Founder and CEO of Melena Consulting Group, a leadership and management consulting, training, and book coaching company. 

I’m also the two-time international award-winning and #1 Amazon best-selling author of Supportive Accountability: How to Inspire People and Improve Performance and its Spanish translation, Responsabilidad solidaria: Cómo mejorar el rendimiento laboral por medio del apoyo.

I’m the former Vice President of the San Diego Book Awards Association, where I chaired the yearly nonfiction book competition. I also served four times as a Judge for the National Association of Hispanic Publications’ José Martí Awards.

In short, I know my stuff.

But it wasn’t always this way. I also struggled when I first started. Despite my struggles and fears, I wrote, published, and launched my first book. It sold thousands of copies across five continents in its first year alone and is used to train leaders in universities and workplaces.

Because of this book, my leadership philosophy has been featured in the Society of Human Resources Management HR Today, the Human Performance Association, Entrepreneur, LEADx, My Quest for the Best, Fit Small Business, and other outlets.

You can write your first nonfiction book too!

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