Nonfiction Book Coaching Services

Publish the Book That's
Burning Inside You

Are you a speaker, coach, consultant, or business owner with a book burning inside you, waiting to impact the world?

Does the mere thought of learning how to write, publish, and market your first book feel daunting and overwhelming?

You’re not alone. 

I’ve been there, and I know how you feel. 

The great news is that I can help you cut through the noise and get your book out into the world.


What Speakers, Coaches, and Entrepreneurs Say

LaTonya Wilkins

"As a first-time author, I hired Sylvia to guide my Amazon strategy... She knows her stuff and is extremely thorough... I highly recommend her. She is one of the most knowledgeable and tenacious consultants I have ever met."

LaTonya WilkinsFounder of the Change Coaches, LLC and #1 Best-Selling Author of "Leading Below the Surface"
Theresa Robertson

"I started writing and I feel there is a voice that is helping me write... It's pulling from different parts of my brain, life, experience... Thank you, Sylvia, for introducing me to my writer's voice!"

Theresa RobertsonCEO,
Tiffany Vakilian

"Sylvia Melena pays attention...I told her about what I felt was holding me back, and she replied with one simple sentence. That sentence was a miraculous course correction in my professional life, and not only that, she still coached me on the issue that made me seek her for coaching in the first place...She is a powerful mentor and I count myself blessed to have worked with her."

Tiffany VakilianEditor, Writing Coach, International Speaker, and #1 Amazon Best -Selling Author of "The Cry"

First Draft Accelerator™

3-Month Nonfiction Book Writing Package

What You’ll Get Done

With this one-on-one coaching package, go from vague idea to the first draft of your dream nonfiction book that sells, grows your business, and makes an impact. 

We’ll start with your First Draft AcceleratorNeeds Assessment to determine where you’re at now and exactly what you need to finally research, plan, and write your first draft. 

Depending on where you’re starting from, here are some of the key milestones I can help you clarify, refine, and get done fast:

What You’ll Get

Ready to Publish? Let's Chat

Go from your first draft to a published quality nonfiction book that sells, makes an impact, and grows your business. 

Book a complimentary 60-minute chat with me. During our time together, I’ll ask you about your vision and share the ways I can help you publish your nonfiction book, so we can mutually decide if working together is a good fit. 

We won’t get into strategy or tactics. I dive deep into strategy, tactics, tools, and resources through my book coaching packages.

Please book your chat below and include the questions you have for me. 

See you soon! – Sylvia Melena

You Don't Have to Go It Alone

Writing a quality book that sells can feel like a daunting project for first-time authors. 

You don’t need to feel alone, wading through the mountains of information and mixed advice from the online world. 

And you don’t need to stay stuck, feeling overwhelmed by all the things you have to learn and do.

I can help you accelerate past your learning curve.

Hi, I’m Sylvia Melena.

I’m the Founder and CEO of Melena Consulting Group, a leadership and management training, consulting, and book coaching company.

I’m also the former Vice President of the San Diego Book Awards Association and the international award-winning and best-selling leadership author of Supportive Accountability: How to Inspire People and Improve Performance. 

In its first year alone, the book sold thousands of copies in five continents—North America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and South America—and was recognized by reputable book award programs at the local, national, and international levels. The book has also been used to train leaders in university and workplace settings.

But it wasn’t always this way.

You see, Supportive Accountability was my first book. And like many first-time authors before me, when I decided to write it, I didn’t know where to start.

So, I invested time and money to figure things out.

Now I’m on a mission to help other first-time authors write and publish quality books they can be proud of and to do it as quickly and efficiently as possible.

It’s a Gift from Me to You

What Event Planners Say

Marquesa Pettway

"Sylvia blew our group away with her brilliance! My goodness, I’ve heard countless presentations on nonfiction books, from writing to selling. This is the best I’ve heard... If you want to sell books hiring Sylvia is a must."

Marquesa PettwayFounder & President of MLPSPEAK, LLC, Board Member of Black NSA, and Author of "The Speakerpreneur"
Ana Patiño

"Sylvia, the insights you provided were of great quality and value. I loved the transparency... The way you invited your audience into the conversation made it a personal and comfortable environment. You are an outstanding speaker."

Ana PatiñoEvent Planner, Latino Book & Family Festival

It’s a Gift from Me to You

Have questions?

Send me a message. I’ll respond within one business day or sooner.  

Warm regards, 

Sylvia Melena